Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe | Make Sandwich Under 20 Minutes
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Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe – Make Delicious Sandwich Under 20 Minutes

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Adjust Servings:
2 Large eggs
2 Light mayonnaise tbsp
2 Dijon mustard tsp
1 Salt Dash
1 Black Pepper Dash
2 Whole-wheat bread Slice

Nutritional information


Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe – Make Delicious Sandwich Under 20 Minutes

  • Vegan
  • 20M
  • Serves 1
  • Easy




The Best Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe Ever

  • What’s the best egg salad sandwich recipe ever? You probably didn’t know. This is what I
    believe: The best egg salad sandwich recipe is the one that you have discovered for yourself. No
    one else knows your secrets.


  • You may have heard of an egg salad sandwich recipe from others. But there was only one person
    who invented the best version. And she went by the name of Lillian Butler.


  • Lillian Butler was a nineteenth-century female, who worked as a seamstress in a large
    seamstress factory. One day, she discovered a new way to make hand stitches. She began
    making her own clothes. She spent her days and nights making her own dresses, one at a time.
    But when Lillian returned home, she realized that she was much more creative than she was in
    the factory. She decided to go back to school to become a seamstress again.


  • During one of her classes, she discovered a book with a sewing machine inside of it. This was
    the sewing machine that she would use to become a seamstress. Lillian also realized that she
    had a talent for inventing and designing.


  • So when Lillian returned to her sewing class, she had to present her invention to show her fellow
    students. She made a quick printout of her best egg salad sandwich recipe and handed it to her
    teacher, a lady named Mrs. Sutherlin.
    “When Lillian presented this idea to Mrs. Sutherlin, she exclaimed, ‘You have created the
    greatest egg salad sandwich recipe of all time!’ ‘This will work wonders on my husband’s high
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  • Lillian’s teachers were amazed at her accomplishment. The next day, they called Mrs. Sutherlin
    to see if she could help her students.


  • “I will make you a bet,” Mrs. Sutherlin said. “If you create the best egg salad sandwich recipe of
    all-time, I will give you an antique sewing machine.”


  • The bet was on how long it would take. Lillian, being the smart cookie that she was, knew that
    the kitchen ingredients were quite simple.


  • Lillian took her teacher’s bet and went to work. She created the best egg salad sandwich recipe
    ever. She presented it to her teacher and Mrs. Sutherlin, still with the old sewing machine.
    ‘In a flash of inspiration,’ said Mrs. Sutherlin, ‘you have turned the typical egg salad sandwich
    into a pie!’ ‘This is the best pie I have ever tasted!’
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Boil Eggs:

Put the eggs in one layer on the bottom of the pan. Cover at least two inches or two with cold water. Heat the pot over high heat and bring the water to a boil. Turn off the heat, leave the pan on the hot burner, cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Drain the pan and transfer the cold water to the eggs so that they cool quickly and stop cooking further.


Once a hard-boiled egg has cooled, peel and slice it. Add mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper.


Mix well and spread on bread or toast to make a sandwich.

Joseph Bicknell

Joseph Bicknell

Born and raised in a chef house. I Completed my High school diploma in Culinary arts and would love to supervise other culinary professionals in the kitchen.

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