Easy Lasagna Recipe With Ricotta Cheese | Yummy #No1 Recipes
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Easy Lasagna Recipe With Ricotta Cheese

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Adjust Servings:
1 pound of lean Ground Beef
4 cups tomato basil pasta sauce
6 uncooked lasagna noodles
1 (15-ounce) container ricotta cheese
2 1/2 cups (10 ounces) sliced ​​ mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup warm water

Easy Lasagna Recipe With Ricotta Cheese

  • Spicy
  • 1Hr20
  • Serves 6
  • Medium




How to Make Easy Lasagna Recipe

In cooking a meal, it is quite helpful to use a no-bake easy lasagna recipe. It makes the preparation of the meal a breeze and it is best for those who are on the go. It is easy to prepare, easy to eat and very easy to make.

Let’s Talk About Easy Lasagna Recipe

  • Lasagna is basically a large dish consisting of noodles with meat and vegetables in the center. This makes it very convenient to make because it can be prepared the day before. You can use the sauce that you have on hand to follow your meal.


  • Although you can prepare a simple and easy lasagna recipe with cottage cheese, if you are using ricotta cheese in your lasagna, it will taste better. The cheeses provide the flavor and the balance that is needed to form the perfect filling. Using a no-bake easy lasagna recipe with ricotta cheese will make the meal taste delicious and it will keep for quite some time once it is cooked.

Easy Meat Lasagna Recipe

  • You will need to buy some ready-made ingredients for your simple lasagna. However, if you want to make your meal at home, then all you need is a few ingredients. All you will need to do is to mix the ingredients together and to throw them in the pan to cook on. This makes the process very easy and the result will be a delicious dish that you can enjoy and serve to your family and friends.
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  • While preparing a simple lasagna recipe at home, it is best to be sure that you can follow the recipe exactly and you will be able to serve it to everyone. You need to be able to create something that your family and friends will enjoy and will surely be loved by them. If you follow the instructions carefully, it will be easy for you to create something that everyone will love and remember.


  • It will help if you can purchase all the ingredients ahead of time. You can make your meal so much faster and easier if you know what you are putting into your body. It also helps if you can find some cheese in the store so that you can make your meal with the cream cheese that you have on hand.


  • You can use a slice of cream cheese in your simple lasagna recipe but it will take more work. It will require you to bake it before it becomes soft. After the first take, you can then add the cottage cheese so that the mixture will have the consistency of a lasagna.


  • An easy meat lasagna recipe with ricotta cheese makes the preparation of the meal a breeze. You will just need to add the ricotta to the sauce to form the filling. You can add any vegetables that you would like to add to the top of the dinner.


  • The most important tip when you are making dinner for your family and friends is to always choose the ingredients that are easy to find. It is not hard to find cottage cheese and ricotta cheese but it can be difficult to find vegetables. Therefore, if you can, try to find some fresh veggies so that you can add those in the recipe as well.
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  • If you are making a meal that you think your guests would love, then you need to be sure that you can find all the ingredients that you need to make your favorite foods. This will make the preparation and the baking process much easier for you. You can find fresh herbs in the store or you can make your own from dried ones.


  • If you are traveling a long trip, it is better that you bring along a laptop and a lot of food. Bring along ingredients that you need, especially if you are going to be doing the job alone. Having all the necessary tools will make the process a lot easier and you will be able to prepare your meal with ease.


  • Remember, it is not hard to make a simple lasagna with cottage cheese if you can follow a no-bake easy lasagna recipe. You can use ricotta cheese in the recipe to give your meal the flavor that you want. and ricotta cheese in a creamy sauce will form the filling of a no-bake lasagna.
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Cook the beef in a large poke over medium heat, stirring until it turns gray and pink. Stir in the drain pasta sauce.


Spread one-third of the meat sauce into a lightly oiled 11-x 7-inch baking dish. Layer 3 noodles and a half each with ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. (The layers of ricotta cheese will thicken.) Repeat method; Spread one-third of the meat sauce over the mozzarella cheese. Gradually pour 1/4 cup warm water around the inner edge of the dish. Cover the baking dish tightly with 2 layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil.


Bake at 375° for 45 minutes; uncover and bake 10 minutes more. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.


Note: For testing purposes only, we used classic tomato and basil pasta sauce.


Karen Comstock

Karen Comstock's culinary career began early, inspired by his Southern Italian parents and their love and respect for quality and tradition. After graduating from the Culinary Institute, Karen sought opportunities to further improve her creativity.

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