Thick soup with meat dumplings
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1 pk carrots 1 pk parsley 1 pk onion 1 pk onion 1 liter broth 1 liter sauerkraut juice 1 pk egg yolk 3 pk tomato
300 g minced meat 1 pk bun 1 tbsp fat 1 pk onion 1 pk egg to taste salt, ground pepper, parsley
1. Put the chopped Vegetable Recipes, onion, chopped tomatoes into the bone broth to cook. Let the sour juice boil and pour into the soup. 2. Mix the meat, moistened bun, chopped and fried onion, egg, salt, ground pepper well, make small dumplings and cook them for about 8 minutes in the soup. Add the chopped parsley and the beaten egg yolk to the finished soup.
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