Strawberry dessert
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200 g homemade strawberry frozen marrow 3 crucibles Greek yoghurt 3 tbsp sour cream pcs coconut sugar 200 g fresh strawberries 1 pcs vanilla pod pulp
A delicious and refreshing dessert for hot summer days.
Strawberry pulp: Remove the leaves from the strawberries, wash and blend with a little coconut sugar. Sweeten to taste. Place in a plastic container in the freezer for at least 8 hours.
Yoghurt cream. Add a little frozen strawberry pulp to half of the cream and stir.
Place the strawberry pulp in the bottom of a dessert glass. Add the white yoghurt cream, pile the fresh strawberries on top, then layer the strawberry yoghurt cream and add more strawberries. Garnish the top with the remaining white yogurt cream and strawberries. Enjoy!