Spring wild lettuce from the garden
radish salad radish leaves radish leaves hollyhock arugula clover seedlings clover mouse tail dill
I made the salad with my own funds, even in the cold days of May (yes, it was 7C° here around “Three Frozen”). We already have lettuce, radishes, hollyhock, arugula growing in our organic garden, and I’ve used torn beet seedlings, clover flowers from the yard, “mouse tail” scent, and a bit of dill and small heart leaves from the radish. I’ve been trying to set one up according to the lunar cycle for a year now. It really works, I feel great. That is, when I support the influence of the moon with healthy food. In a season where we’re already touching summer and yet it’s still blown by cool winds, it’s good not to forget the green vitamins too. Chlorella and green barley, alfalfa…or if you don’t have and don’t want it, even such support from your own garden and meadows. Don’t be afraid of herbs. In this recipe, you’ll also find for example Meadow Clover and Yarrow in the salad. A few pieces of each per serving.
Mix together the herbs and young torn greens from the garden.
Slathered with sesame and olive oil, lime juice and a little salt with the pumpkin seeds and chopped scallions, the salad was absolutely gorgeous.