Soup with cauliflower dumplings
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1 pk cauliflower to taste salt 1.25 liters water 2 tbsp butter 1 tbsp plain flour to taste vegeta some chives
Cauliflower dumplings
1/2 pk cauliflower 1 pk egg 1 clove garlic 1 pinch grated nutmeg 1 pinch marjoram to taste salt a little breadcrumbs
1. Boil the cauliflower in salted water and drain. Set the broth aside. 2. Make dumplings from half the cooked cauliflower. Mash the cauliflower with a fork, mix with the egg, the crushed garlic, season with pepper and salt and thicken with breadcrumbs if necessary. 3. Make a light roux with the butter and flour, pour in the cauliflower broth, season with the veggies and simmer for about 15 min. Then add the cauliflower dumplings to the boiling soup and cook for another 5 min. 4. Add the remaining cooked cauliflower, broken into florets, and finely chopped chives to the soup and reheat.