Smoked Meat Po Horňácku
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Serve warm as a main dish for lunch or dinner. It is boiled smoked meat, soft cut into cubes, these are baked in the oven in lard together with onions, cabbage and potatoes, the dish is softened with cream towards the end of the preparation.
1. 2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into larger cubes
3. Melt the lard in a pan and fry the potato cubes with the onion, add salt and pepper, and dissolve the rest of the lard in a baking dish 4. Put a layer of sauerkraut on the bottom, top the sauerkraut with the browned potato cubes and onions, mix with the smoked meat cubes, cover the layer of potatoes and meat with the rest of the sauerkraut and bake in a preheated oven, baste occasionally with the smoked broth during baking
5. When the potatoes and meat are soft, pour the sour cream over everything and let it bake.