Slovak Christmas cabbage soup
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750 g sauerkraut 150 g pork 150 g beef 2 pk spicy sausage 1 pk onion 1 liter water 5 pk whole black pepper a little ground black pepper 3 pk whole allspice 2 pk juniper berries 2 pk bay leaves 50 g dried mushrooms 3 pk prunes 3 cloves garlic 1 tbsp plain flour 2 tbsp tomato paste to taste salt to taste sugar a little ground hot red pepper a little sour cream
Place the sauerkraut and brine, the pork and beef cut into larger cubes, the chopped sausage, the whole onion and cover with cold water in a saucepan. Add the spices, juniper berries, bay leaves, pre-soaked dried mushrooms, prunes and quickly bring to the boil.
Reduce the heat and cook over a low heat for 2 to 3 hours until almost tender.
Then add the crushed garlic, flour mixed with tomato puree and a little water to the cabbage soup. Cook for at least 20 min.
Finally, season the cabbage soup with salt, sugar and more hot ground paprika. Garnish the soup with sour cream.