Simple cheesecake
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2 pk egg 4 tbsp granulated sugar 1/2 KL baking powder 250 g soft curd 100 g sour cream 4 tbsp coarse flour a little butter and flour to grease and flour the mould
A cake, perfect for the period just before the big shopping spree, when you have almost nothing at home.
In a bowl, whisk together the whole eggs and sugar until frothy
Stir the baking powder into the base.
Add the cottage cheese, sour cream, beat well and finally add the coarse flour.
TIP: For a nicer flavor, you can also add vanilla extract or grated zest of a small lemon.
Grease a pie tin with a knob of butter, sprinkle with a little flour and line it with the cheesecake batter.
Bake the cheesecake for about 40 minutes at 170°C.
TIP: Once cooled, you can spread the cake with homemade jam or sprinkle with fresh fruit.
Good taste!