Quick sriracha sauce
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The original sriracha sauce is made from a variety of ingredients, but you can get a similar depth of flavour with the ingredients below. However you make it, this “Asian ketchup” is suitable for almost any dish.
Ingredients approx. 3dl
1 good handful of fresh red chillies (to taste and spiciness. Originally sriracha was made from jalapenos*) 8 cloves of garlic 1 shallot 1 dl apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp tomato puree 2 tbsp honey 1 tbsp fish sauce (it smells bitter) 2 tsp salt
Rinse the chillies. If you prefer a milder sriracha, split and remove the seeds.
Peel and chop the shallot and garlic cloves.
Place all ingredients (honey on the bottom) in a high-sided dish. A hand blender usually comes with one.
Blend with a hand blender (a good one will do, a cheap one won’t. If not, a mortar is another option), blend the sriracha until smooth and put it in the cupboard to season for at least two hours.
Sriracha and the disputed origin
As with all legendary recipes, there is always a dispute about the origin. Is sriracha sauce thought to have originated in the Thai town of Sri Racha hundreds of years ago, or is the recipe the brainchild of Vietnamese-born David Tran, who, after moving to the United States, began commercial production of the sauce, which has grown to staggering proportions?
Whatever the case, advice for chilli lovers: keep sriracha sauce in the cupboard at all times and your life will be saved.
Asia chilli Vegetarian dishes VHH