Quick gnocchi without eggs and potatoes
The fastest gnocchi (for some people, špecle or nočky), which are on the table within 30 minutes. Only flour, water and salt, served savoury or sweet.
1. Mix the flour with the salt (about 2 teaspoons depending on taste) and add water
1. Stir to remove lumps and let stand for five minutes
3. If you don’t have a gnocchi maker, take a small shallow plate that has a smooth and continuous transition from the centre to the edge, put a teaspoon of oil on it and about three tablespoons of dough (you can also use a plain smooth cutting board, lightly coated with oil)
4. Use a knife or a small spoon to cut off the pieces (or future gnocchi) into the boiling salted water
5. Boil for a minute or two after they come out and then remove with a slotted spoon and drain
6. Place in a bowl with a little oil
7. Continue with the next batch until all the batter is used up, always mixing the finished gnocchi in the bowl and adding a drop of oil as needed.
Serve for example: with sauteed cabbage, fried onions, smoked bacon (all of the above can be mixed together, of course), with bryndza, bacon and a little sour cream, with sauteed spinach, with cream and blue cheese, with cream-mushroom sauce, with chicken and Vegetable Recipes… Or sweet: with poppy seeds, butter and sugar, with cottage cheese, nuts, sugar and butter…
Written and photographed by Daniela Svobodová. More recipes by the author can be found on their website here: Daniela likes to cook …. and write.