Pudding and cottage cheese
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6 pcs elderly rolls 2 pcs eggs 100 g Buttercream 1 crucible lump cottage cheese 1 pcs vanilla pudding Droetker 400 ml milk 2 pcs vanilla sugar 100 g sugar 300 ml applesauce
I made a delicious bun with applesauce, cottage cheese and custard. 1. 2. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar and fat 3. Add the rolls, mix well 4. Beat the egg whites into stiff peaks 5. ….which you mix into the rolls 6. Grease a baking dish and put half of the mixture 7. Layer the apple puree 8. Cottage cheese, sprinkle with vanilla sugar 9. Make a pudding with milk and custard powder, adding 2PL sugar. Put it on the cottage cheese layer. 10. Finally, layer the rest of the mixture from the rolls. Put the filled baking dish in the oven to bake at 200 degrees and bake for about 40minutes. 11. Baked bun. 12. Bon appetit.