Polish duck meat hash
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A mixture prepared from leftover duck meat, fowl and other ingredients, sautéed in bacon melted in butter, topped with a sauce of cooked root Vegetable Recipes, and garnished with hard-boiled eggs on the plates.
1. Grind the giblets and the remaining meat and put the lightly salted and peppered mixture to simmer on the bacon cubes melted in butter, set the stewed meatloaf aside
2. Beat the spices in a mortar, add them to the grated root Vegetable Recipes, onion, and finely chopped dried mushrooms
3. Pour water or broth over the Vegetable Recipes and spices and boil until tender
4. Strain the resulting sauce through a fine-mesh sieve over the meat mixture, dust the dish with flour, combine the egg yolks, mix thoroughly and simmer for a little longer
5. On plates, garnish each portion of hash browns with quarters of hard-boiled eggs, serve with fresh bread.