Pea-carrot-celery soup
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1 pk carrots 1/2 pk celery 1 cup peas 1 pk tomato puree small 1 handful flax seeds pk salt turmeric, black pepper ground 1 pk onion
Vegetable soup.
1. Ingredients for the stew. 2. Clean the carrots and celery. Cut carrots into strips,celery into cubes. Just add the peas. Put the oil in a casserole, finely chop the onion, fry it… 3. …together with the Vegetable Recipes, start sautéing. Add salt, pepper, tomato paste… 4. Add a little water while sautéing. Towards the end, add the flax seeds. 5. Cover everything with water and simmer. The sauce will reduce. 6. Serve with mashed potatoes. Since the dish is dietary, I did not add milk or butter to the mash. Good taste.
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