Lentils on sourdough with roasted bacon and ox eye
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Roasted bacon and ox eye served with lentils thickened with roux and seasoned with vinegar, sugar, vegetable gel broth, pepper and salt. Another side dish is preferably fresh bread.
1. Rinse the lentils, put them in a pot, cover with cold water, cover and leave overnight
2. The next day, drain the water, pour in new water and boil (if you have cooked smoked, use smoked broth), add salt, broth, vinegar and sugar to the lentils, boil until tender, about 15 minutes
3. Fry the diced onion in lard and let it brown, add flour and mix a light porridge
4. Drain the water from the cooked lentils and dilute the porridge with it
5. Arrange the lentil portions on plates, garnish with fried cracklings and poached eggs, garnish with pickles, serve with fresh bread.
Preparation of the cracklings and eggs:
1. Cut the cracklings in half lengthwise, make a few decorative cuts on the top and then fry them in a pan in oil
Recipe from Cooking with Tom, photo and text by Naďa Indruchová.