Hungarian Boiler Goulash
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Recipe from Hungary for beef goulash prepared in a cauldron on the fireplace. The original Hungarian name is Bográcsgulyás.
1. Remove the fat and tendons from the meat, cut into small cubes and rinse well under cold running water
2. Fry the peeled, finely chopped onion in a cauldron in lard until golden brown, then add the grated garlic and cumin, sprinkle with hot paprika and quickly add the drained meat, add salt and simmer
3. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and, when the meat starts to soften, add them to the meat along with the chopped pepper and tomato and sprinkle with celery leaves
5. Cook the gnocchi, remove the celery leaf and sprinkle with finely chopped chives.
Preparation of gnocchi:
Mix the flour with salt and eggs, form small gnocchi and cook them directly in the goulash.