Honey slices with walnut grillage
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500 g plain flour extra special 200 g powdered sugar 2 pcs eggs 2 tbsp honey 2 tbsp bicarb of soda 2 tbsp milk 200 g butter
nut mixture:
300 g chopped walnuts 80 g powdered sugar 120 g butter 3 tbsp bee honey
300 ml milk 1,5 tbsp plain flour extra special 1,5 tbsp Golden cob 100 g granulated sugar 250 g butter 1 packet vanilla sugar 100 ml of umu for pouring the bottom layer
This is a delicious dessert, full of nuts, its taste is unmistakable:))
Dough: Sift flour, icing sugar, softened butter, liquid honey, beaten eggs, baking soda dissolved in milk into a bowl and make a smooth dough. Divide it in half. Roll out one half on a floured board according to the size of the baking tray and bake on a baking tray with baking paper. Leave to cool. Temperature 180°C for about 15 minutes. 30×40 cm baking tray.
Also roll out the other half, spread the still warm walnut grill as otherwise it would harden and bake on a baking sheet with baking paper. Temperature 180°C for 15 minutes.
Nut Grill: In a pan, toast together nuts, honey, butter, sugar.
Filling: stir flour and golden cob in some of the milk. Add sugar to the remaining milk and dissolve, stirring constantly, add the whisked flour and golden cob and cook to a thick porridge. Leave to cool. Beat the butter with the vanilla sugar and add the cooled porridge in batches. Beat until smooth and creamy.
Spray the bottom baked slice with um, spread the filling and attach the slice with the grilled cheese. Refrigerate, 1-2 days, until the slices are soft and slice. Enjoy!