Fofr dumpling, or dumpling in 15 minutes

Microwave-ready dumplings in 15 minutes!


2 pcs of egg 1.5 pcs of the previous day’s croissant 1.5 cups of coarse flour 1.5 cups cold milk 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt butter to grease the tin coarse flour to dust the mould plastic or glass mold


1. Beat the eggs carefully, separate the whites from the yolks, whip the whites, preferably with a whisk, into stiff snow
2. Pour the diced rolls into a bowl, add the flour, baking powder and salt, add the egg yolks and finally pour the milk over everything, mix well
3.), which is brushed with butter and sprinkled with coarse flour, you can use the mould for example for bábovka or bishop’s bread
5. In the microwave oven, “cook” the dumpling at 750 W for exactly 8 minutes
6. Finally, slice the dumpling and serve immediately as a side dish with meats served with sauce, etc.


1 cup = 1/4 l