Fermented cabbage
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10 kg cabbage 200 g salt 4 tbsp whole caraway seeds 10 pcs onion (optional)
We buy our cabbage nearby, directly from the growers. Right on the spot they cut the quantity we want without the tubers, now and then we pick a big piece. If you have a whole cabbage, clean it of the top leaves, cut it into smaller ones and grate it on a grater.
We add one finely chopped onion per cabbage, or grate it straight with the cabbage. Put the cabbage in a larger container, salt continuously, add cumin.
Let stand for a couple of hours (from lunch to dinner). The cabbage will let the water out.
Push into the barrel. Push with force, with a clenched fist or foot (wrapped in a bag), squeezing out the air with all your weight. If the cabbage still releases too much water during the pushing, remove a little. If we have stoneware paperweights, put them on top. If not use a board wrapped with a cloth and weighted with clean stone. The cabbage should still be submerged.
Close, trough the top of the keg with water – prevent air access – the fermentation process can take place. Check the water daily and top up continuously. The keg is placed at room temperature. Check the contents of the keg regularly, the cabbage must be submerged at all times, if not, top up with boiled salted water.
The fermentation process takes 4-5 weeks. Place the finished cabbage in the keg in a cool place (pantry, cellar)