Easter egg lump.
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10 pcs fresh eggs 1.5 litres milk 1 tsp salt pcs fresh chives pcs ground pepper
In eastern Slovakia, a traditional hrudka is prepared for Easter, somewhere called syrec or syrek.I traditionally make such a lump at Easter.It is a simple and very tasty recipe.
Break the eggs into the milk and beat them well with a whisk.Add salt and pepper.
Cook,stirring constantly,until curds are set.Then set aside and add finely chopped chives,stir.
Immediately strain through cheesecloth,or other thin cloth that you place in a colander.
Let the lump drain, ideally hanging somewhere, until all the excess liquid has drained off.
The pancakes will form a pattern in the cut.The finished lump can be put in a preheated oven for about 15mins to bake.It will turn a nice yellow on the surface.Brush it with oil before and after baking.