Cottage cheese puffs with fragrant sprinkles
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250 g cottage cheese 1 crucible white Greek yoghurt 1 tbsp coconut sugar pcs salt 200 g spelt flour 100 g rice flour pcs raisins dried 100 g butter
For the sprinkles:
pk hazelnuts pk hemp seeds peeled 4 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup
I’ve written before about cottage cheese in pasta or in flour dishes. We like it, we use it. Raw, i.e. unmasked, our best friend doesn’t like it at all. Overall, except for Greek-type yogurt, we turn up our noses at dairy products and somehow it doesn’t bother me. I’m not a lobbyist for drinking cow’s milk, or any animal milk for that matter. But occasionally eating something sour, i.e. in acid form, can be beneficial because of the high probiotic culture content. Children from 1r onwards, and young children in general, should also be offered yoghurt and cottage cheese treats without sugar syrups and various colourings and jams. After all, they are preservatives and our children will enjoy them quite a bit in the future. We choose yoghurts with live cultures, preferably still maturing in the cups. Slovak. The kind that the cow milks here, the milk product is made and sold here. For a snack, I experimentally mixed lump cottage cheese with white yogurt, added a little coconut sugar and vanilla. Eldest and Daddy licked the bowls, youngest ate two spoonfuls and asked to play. So, with no leftovers to waste at our house, I stirred in the flour and whipped up some dinner rolls. With a sprinkling of leftover hazelnuts from homemade Nutella. And hemp seeds. Protein, healthy fats.
Into a large pot the lady boiled water for the shrooms. Lightly toast hazelnuts and hemp seeds in a dry pan. Once cooled, stir them in.
Cesto: mix the cottage cheese with the yoghurt and salt and coconut sugar, progressively adding the flour mix, so that you have a soft, firm and malleable dough. Roll out the dough into small pieces. We like ours to be about 3 cm and 0,5 – 1 cm in diameter.
Cook in boiling water. As the peel comes to the surface, wait about a minute and fish them out with a colander. Put them in a bowl with some of the butter and stir to prevent them from sticking.
In the remaining butter, toast the raisins with the Jerusalem artichoke syrup and toss with the chips. Stir in the sprinkles. It smells nutty, crunchy and the raisins are sweet and the kids will love it.