Chicken steaks on paprika, potato nights

Platkes of cooked chicken served with paprika sauce prepared from chicken broth and onion base seasoned with paprika and cream. Another side dish is homemade potato gnocchi.


1 piece of chicken 1 pk larger onions 10 pk black peppercorns 6 pcs of allspice 1 pc bean leaf 300 g of cherry Vegetable Recipes (carrots, celery, parsley) 100 g smooth flour 1.5 l water 200 ml of cream 2 tbsp ground sweet paprika For gnocchi: 200 g semi-flour 200 g smooth flour 2 tsp salt (+ salt in water) 250 ml milk 3 pcs eggs water nutmeg


  • Place cleaned ready-to-cook hen, quartered, in a pot, pour water, add spices and Vegetable Recipes, cook hen until tender, remove soft hen, strain broth
  • .

  • Fry the finely chopped onion in oil until golden brown, then dust with flour and fry briefly, add the ground pepper, which we let foam briefly so that it does not turn bitter, and immediately pour in the clear broth and cream, stirring constantly
  • Cook for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, add salt to taste
  • Place the thickly sliced chicken meat in the sauce, let it warm up
  • Serve individual portions, in this case, with homemade gnocchi.
  • Preparation of gnocchi:

  • Beat the two flours, eggs, salt, and a pinch of grated nutmeg until smooth and semi-solid
  • Milk – the amount is approximate, add gradually (the batter must not be too stiff, so that it goes easily through the gnocchi maker, but not too thin as for pancakes)
  • Milk – the amount is approximate, add gradually (the batter must not be too stiff, so that it goes easily through the gnocchi maker, but not too thin as for pancakes)
  • In a suitable pot, bring enough water to a boil and add 2 teaspoons of salt
  • Pass the batter through the gnocchi maker into the water and boil for 5 minutes
  • Drain the packet and serve with the sauce and meat.
  • Note:

    Photo: Nadia Indruchová

    potato nights