Cauliflower gnocchi with bryndza
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1 pk cauliflower 250 g bryndza 2 tbsp sour cream 1 pk onion oil vegetable bacon (optional) ginger with young onion
Bryndza gnocchi from cauliflower. Without flour and starch.
Wash and divide the cauliflower into small florets, which we boil in salted water. Boil briefly so that they do not soften too much.
Cut the onion finely and fry in a frying pan in oil until golden brown. Chop the young onion into strips.
Place the chard and cream in a saucepan and slowly just reheat over very low heat, stirring constantly, until completely melted and combined with the cream. Do not boil. Add the cooked drained cauliflower, stir with a plastic spatula, and remove from the heat source.
Serve. Add fried onion, possibly bacon, and baby onion sprigs to the gnocchi. Enjoy!