Bulgur with Smakoun and Vegetable Recipes
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Bulgur with carrots, red peppers, leeks, onions and cubes of Shmakoun. A tip for a quick and light lunch or dinner.
1. Add bulgur to the boiling broth – 2 parts broth to 1 part bulgur
2. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 12 minutes
3. In the meantime, fry thin strips of carrots in medium-heated oil and when golden, add the Shmakoun cut into centimetre-long cubes
5. Let it get slightly golden, add paprika (thin strips) and leek cut the same way as paprika
6. After a while pour the broth, let it almost boil and finally season with salt, pepper, garlic
Written and photographed by Daniela Svobodová. More recipes by the author can be found on her website here: Daniela likes to cook …. and writes.Do you know what is Shmakoun, what it is made of and how to cook with it? Visit: www.smakoun.eu.