Bulgur Pilav (paprika-potato),
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3 dl bulgur 6 dl water 3 pcs fresh paprika 1 pcs potato 1 pcs onion 50 g soft butter 82% 1 tbsp ground red pepper to taste salt to taste garlic yoghurt
progress in the video above
Quick, very simple and tasty hot dish that you have on the table in a few minutes 1.
First, prepare everything you need. Cut the peppers into smaller pieces, the potatoes into smaller cubes and the onions into small pieces. Measure out 3dl of bulgur and 6dl of water.
Fry the onion and chopped peppers in the oil for a while. Then add the minced paprika, let it sizzle together for a while. Add the bulgur, let it sizzle again for a while and add the potatoes. Pour in water, add salt as needed, pile the butter pieces on top, cover and let simmer on medium heat for about 12 min. Actually cook until the bulgur soaks approx. 80% of the water. Never stir the bulgur in between cooking, just stir the contents by wiggling the pot
When the bulgur has drunk the desired liquid, set it aside and let it cook for 15-20 minutes more During that time, mix the white yogurt with grated garlic and salt to taste. With this dressing the pilaf is fantastically tasty
Pilaf is amazingly tasty, very simple and quick to prepare. It’s good for lunch and dinner, as a side dish, but also as a meal on its own I wish you a good taste!
You can find more of my recipes on my blog: cesminazuenal.blogspot.com