Broccoli soup with oat cream


1 kg broccoli pcs oat cream or other vegetable pcs young garlic with soft skins pcs salt, pepper, pcs hazelnut oil pcs spelt balls for sprinkling



Boil 1,5l of water. Before boiling, add the young garlic, chopped broccoli and turn off the heat. The broccoli is not to be boiled, just heated. Drain and add to the vitamix along with the other ingredients and about a pint of the water in which the garlic and broccoli were heated.


Mix a smooth porridge into which you add the oat cream. The cream should be at room temperature, otherwise the whole mixture will get cold. The point of soup is to preserve the nutrients in the ingredients.


Top the soup on the plate and garnish with the cream and you can also add raw broccoli florets and you can also add spelt balls or toasted oatmeal.


It takes about 10 minutes to prepare.