Beetroot salad with savoury pancakes
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pcs beetroot pcs walnuts, or pine nuts, or pine nuts, whatever you have pcs coconut fat pcs lime juice pcs grated organic lime zest pcs a spoonful of honey or syrup pcs salt and black pepper
Beetroot is a delicious, for me, winter vegetable. But when it starts to grow so young and colorful in my mom’s garden, I’ll eat everything from leaf to root anytime 🙂 1. Cut the beetroot without the skin into cubes. Melt coconut fat in a hot pan, it gives the beetroot such a milder taste. Fry the beetroot with the nuts and a pinch of salt. It’s up to you how long you want to reheat the beetroot, I can eat it raw, some people need to keep the earthy flavour to a minimum with heat. 2. Dump into a bowl, toss with lime juice and honey and sprinkle with lime or lemon zest. 3. TIP: if you salt while heating the pan, try flake sea salt, it will caramelize to a crisp and give the salad a luxurious texture. 4. Recipe for savoury spinach pancakes