Beef Roll with Rice
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Beef rubbed with rice stuffing mixed with other ingredients, twisted into a roll shape, sauteed on onion base until tender.
1. 1. In the meantime, cut the cleaned meat into slices, lightly chop, add salt and pepper
3. Stir the cleaned, chopped mushrooms into the soft, cooled rice (the dried ones should be soaked beforehand), add the cucumber cut into small cubes, finely chopped eggs, finely chopped parsley and mix everything well
4. Spread the prepared stuffing over the slices of meat, wrap well, tie with thread and fry on all sides in hot lard
5. Remove the roasted rolls, fry the peeled, finely chopped onion in the lard, return the meat, pour in the broth and simmer under the lid until tender
6. Remove the soft rolls, drain the juices, dust with flour, pour in the broth and boil briefly
7: Naďa Indruchová